‘Human Potential’ Specialists

"The superior mission of medicine is to overcome diseases and ailments
by re-uniting all the universe and sending out spaces,
time and medications to heal the human’s soul"
(L. Daucen)

The Donskiye Dynasty of Psychiatrists

The Donskiye family is one of the best known dynasties of psychiatrists both in Belarus and far beyond its borders. It is a family of like-minded people, colleagues, partners sharing ideas, experience, knowledge acquired at high- profile seminars and conferences held in different parts of the world, as well as through daily practice.

Family members are on equal footing when it comes down to professional discussions. These are the father, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, M.D., his wife Svetlana Lvovna, who was the last hope to cure alcohol addiction in Byelorussia in the 80s, their daughter Irina, who took the best of her parents and who is now the director of the Private medical unitary enterprise ‘Human Potential’.

The Donskiye senior spouse have recently been presented a gift for the ‘golden’ wedding anniversary - a bronze set of three strong and wise elephants with an inscription on it: ‘As elephant has great powers on earth, so as the Donskiye family reign in psychiatry’.

Today we can fairly add up two more ‘elephant calves’ to the three elephants, these are Irina’s children, Anna and Dmitry. They have always felt ‘at ease’ in psychiatry since childhood. At the family disputes, talks with friends, psychiatrists by profession the senior Donskiye have always discussed professional news and unusual cases. That’s why the children had little hesitations deciding on a career. Daughter Anna graduated from the Belarussian State Medical University in 2006, was an intern at the City psychoneurologic dispensary where she worked after as a young specialist. Thereafter she followed clinical studies in psychiatry where she finally graduated from in 2011. Dmitry graduated from the Belarussian State Medical University in 2010. In 2010-2011 he was an intern at the Republican Research and Practical Center of Mental Health in psychiatry and narcology profile. In 2011 he attended follow-up schooling at the Scientific and Research Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology in Kharkov (Ukraine) where he mastered a method of stress combat therapy by Dr. Dovzhenko for treating patients with alcohol, nicotine, and food addiction. Since 2011 Dr. Donskoy has been working as psychiatrist and narcologist at the PUE ‘Human Potential’

Learn more about the HP specialists:

Donskaya Irina Dmitriyevna

Donskaya Svetlana Lvovna

Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich

Donskoy Dmitry Alexandrovich

© Доктора Донские: Лечебное частное унитарное предприятие «Резервные возможности человека», Минск, 2025