Donskaya Svetlana Lvovna

Donskaya Svetlana Lvovna

Donskaya Svetlana Lvovna is a first–grade certified narcologist and a first class psychiatrist.

The doctor has experience more than 50 years in the field.

Since 1984 the doctor has been applying the Dr. Dovzhenko stress combat therapy. For years of work she has treated thousands of patients suffering from all kinds of addictions such as alcohol, drug and nicotine as well as overweight.

The doctor is a member of the Republican Psychiatrist and Psychologist Association, a Dovzhenko prize-winner of the International temperance league.

Dr. Donskaya follows professional training courses on a regular basis, she has also been a participant of various international conferences on ‘Healthy lifestyle’ held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Harkov, Lithuania. USA, Sweden and Israel.

She is the author of 20 research papers on the subject.


HP specialists: 

Donskaya Irina Dmitriyevna

Donskaya Svetlana Lvovna

Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich

Donskoy Dmitry Alexandrovich

© Доктора Донские: Лечебное частное унитарное предприятие «Резервные возможности человека», Минск, 2025